Lower School Aquarium Field Trip Fee
Hello Lower School families,
We’re excited to announce that we have scheduled a field trip to the Georgia Aquarium on Monday, September 16th! We will leave the school at 8:15am and will return around 2:30pm. We will be in touch that day via the Remind app/text if our return time changes.
Your child will not need to pack a lunch that day as we will eat lunch at the Coastline Cafe located inside the aquarium. The cost for lunch is included in the total cost per child listed below. They will need to bring their water bottle, a healthy snack, and their independent reading book. Please make sure your child dresses in uniform as they would any other school day. If your child needs ear protection for auditory sensitivity, please give Laura their device at drop off. If your child rides in a booster or car seat you will leave that in the lobby during the morning car line.
The total cost is $35.00 per child. Please send payment by Thursday, August 29th. You may send in cash or a check, or use the Lower School Georgia Aquarium Field Trip item in the online shop at counterpane.org/shop.
As a reminder, we will not visit the gift shop as part of our field trip.
Mr. Warren will be driving some of our students in his van but we need additional drivers for our trip. We always appreciate everyone’s willingness to volunteer to chaperone; however, we want to keep our child to adult ratio similar to an average day in our classroom. Thank you for understanding that we treat going outs like extensions of class work, and excursions without a parent present are part of the Montessori education experience. For this reason, we have only two spots available for adult volunteers/drivers/chaperones on our trip and that will be determined on a first come, first serve basis. For this trip, the cost per adult volunteer/chaperone is $70.00. This amount includes admission, parking pass for your vehicle, and your lunch. As a show of gratitude towards our chaperones, they will receive the amount paid of $70.00 back in the form of Covenant credit.
Please reply to this email if you are interested in volunteering to drive and chaperone some of our students to and from the field trip.
Thank you,
The Lower School Team